The strategy house combines important topics with Sports Group Denmark’s mission and business model.
The house must be read from the bottom up.


Sports Group Denmark’s vision, which we use as a benchmark in all respects.
We must be the best in all areas of our business – including ESG efforts.


Selected project areas until 2025. Concrete projects within the areas are continuously defined and worked on.


Recognizing that the ESG field is so changeable, we have defined some methods to help us reach our goals. Obtaining and using data from new areas is essential for development. The same is the case with competences
in new fields.


An overall focus on production resources, human resources, and good business management are fundamental ESG key areas for us and are integrated into the business.


At the foundation of the house are our values. These are the values on which the business is built, and they are of course the same values on which the ESG efforts are built.