the world is changing

On a global level, we are in many ways in a process of transformation. We need new solutions and a different view of known areas and issues to secure the future.

We will still design products, but we will do it with knowledge of circular resources and climate data.

We will work with our suppliers on many other parameters than product quality. We must continue to look at financial ratios, but also understand ESG ratios when assessing the company’s health in the future.
We must obtain new knowledge and more data in order to make correct choices.


We know where we are going – but not how

Taking responsibility is also about investing in possible solutions that benefit more – or something else – than yourself. It is, for example, about taking responsibility for moving an industry in the right direction. For the textile industry, it is particularly about taking care of resources, developing new methods for material production, and securing circular resources in the future.

We are on a journey. We know where we are going – but we don’t necessarily know how we will get there in the long term, because markets, technological possibilities, legislation etc. change continuously.

The change requires cross-functional collaboration, knowledge, data collection, investments, and balancing of risks.
At Sports Group Denmark, we are on our way, and we work strategically with it every day, but we are very aware that ESG is a continuous journey into the future.



We take our responsibility for the environmental impact by working with the reduction of resources and by promoting circular resources

Examples of our work:

Packaging strategy and work with reduction and replacement

CO2 measurements and strategy for reduction

Chemistry in products is measured and regulated

Projects around circularity in products have been launched

Active part of sector cooperation in the textile industry to create a joint effort and greater impact

Focus on recycling waste and garbage

Content of recycled material in products, accessories, and packaging

The journey towards more green energy has begun

The durability of the products is constantly optimized through fit, materials, functions, and resource consumption


    Responsibility for people is particularly about exploring supply chains, obtaining data, and not least working in a structured manner with the suppliers to achieve higher levels on different matters.

    Examples of our work:

    We have described and implemented our process for supplier onboarding, which includes a focus on both social conditions, cooperation conditions, and environmental conditions

    Long-term collaborations with suppliers create room for and trust in that we can work together long-term to ensure better conditions on an ongoing basis

    We are not directly covered by, e.g., the Norwegian Transparency Act, but are happy to help our customers with data for this and other Due Diligence regulations

    Health, well-being, safety, inclusion and respect for diversity are always on the agenda.




     We see ESG work as a business responsibility. By taking our responsibility, we ensure that we continue to be a relevant partner for our customers and other business partners.


    Examples of our work:

    We carry out data collection and documentation in preparation for upcoming legislation such as the Digital Product Passport and CSRD

    We have risk assessments as a central element of our work

    We have an overview of upcoming legislation and are ready to report

    A responsible procurement policy and timely diligence are in focus

    We ensure responsible growth that does not compromise the social and environmental responsibility



      “The world is changing. We don’t necessarily have to change everything around, but we will have to do familiar things in a new way and with a new mindset“

      Welcome to Innovation Lab

      A space where the future of sustainable work comes to life

      We have created a vibrant, evolving environment designed to inspire innovation. It serves as a platform for education, development, and showcasing our sustainability efforts and partnerships collaboration, and learning.
      Our Innovation Lab strengthens Sports Group Denmark’s role as a leader in innovation and corporate responsibility.
      It’s a place where ideas can grow, conversations deepen, and real change begins. With a focus on sustainability and responsible business practices, our Inovation Lab reflects our commitment to creating a better future.

      The Lab is more than just a display; it’s a driving force for knowledge, development, and closer collaboration with both employees and customers.