Good and safe working conditions
at the suppliers
Sports Group Denmark is an amfori BSCI member. This means that we have a system to ensure proper working conditions in our supply chain and can provide the necessary documentation for our customers.
Amfori is a business association improving the environmental, social and governance performance of our suppliers (in amfori terms: partners).
The partners undergo an annual audit on 13 performance areas (PA):
- PA 1 Social Management System & Cascade Effect
- PA 2 Workers Involvement and Protection
- PA 3 The Right of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- PA 4 No Discrimination, Violence, or Harassment
- PA 5 Fair Remuneration
- PA 6 Decent Working Hours
- PA 7 Occupational Health and Safety
- PA 8 No Child Labour
- PA 9 Special Protection for young workers
- PA 10 No Precarious Employment
- PA 11 No Bonded, Forced Labour or Human Trafficking
- PA 12 Protection of the Environment
- PA 13 Ethical Business Behaviour
The partner receives a rating for each PA as well as an overall rating from A-E, with A being the best. The rating is based on the degree of fulfilment for each question under the PA. They constantly work towards improving themselves withing the 13 areas and thereby getting a better rating.
Amfori’s platform is a tool to ensure continuous improvement and validation of our partners social responsibility. Furthermore, amfori offers different training material for the partners in their local language.